Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rainy Day.

6-28-15 VERMONT: It has been raining all day as well as dark and cold. Yesterday was nice and I did some perennial planting.

I put a hollyhock, Alcea rosea ‘Summer Carnival’, in the upper new wall bed, two Maltese cross, Lychnis chalcedonica, and a Bradbury’s Monarda in the bed below the deck, and three each by the pond of lupin, Lupinus ‘Dwarf Minarette’, and Gaillardia ‘Arizona Red Shades’.

Today I hid inside and took pix of the birds, busy at the feeders, through the window. The picture of the indigo bunting is obviously terrible, but he remains elusive.

Bally and Maizie on a warmer and sunnier day.

Goldfinch, cleverly concealing all his black and white markings.

Indigo Bunting through the window, screen and rain. Sorry.

Song sparrow, immature, anyone?

Evening grosbeak and immature male.

Chipping sparrow.

Song sparrow again.

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