Friday, June 26, 2015

Return to VT

6-26-15 VERMONT: Our couple of days in NJ was a whirl of activity. Wednesday night we were in NYC for a dinner with Ina and Marcel. We visited Ina’s apartment and caught a great sunset over the Hudson River. Before that we had dinner with Lonnie and Bette on Bette’s birthday, I brought the prosecco. Before that we had dinner with Lynn and Bill to meet their new pooch, Bella, who looks like a winner. Before that was our dinner with Lucy before she went back to Brooklyn, and she is now off to Japan for her ‘Experiment’ summer. I even got a little done in the yard during the days.

Our trip back to VT was another one with delays—summer traffic and construction. There was more than two inches of rain here in the few days we were gone, the boat was full and got dumped. The pond is over full and draining. Today I added another bag of barley straw pellets to the pond to control algae and added more of the pond dye. The blue dye darkens the surface to retard algae growth by reducing the amount of sun light that reaches the bottom of the pond. The pellets decompose on the bottom releasing small amounts of peroxide, which kills algae.

I also caged the tomatoes and planted new corn seeds, seeds that are supposed to have ripe ears within 65 days. The original seeds, planted on Memorial Day, vanished, probably eaten by crows or deer or just rotted.

I don’t think that I mentioned before, but we have a local Indigo Bunting this year. I added a Nyger seed feeder to keep him and the missus interested, if it does that. We have seen him several times, but he is a nervous feeder and is quite camera shy, so there are no pix as yet. All the other finches are big Nyger seed fans as it turns out.

New blooms: summer sweet, red spirea, red peony, daylily, yarrow, valerian, campanula, white clover, feverfew, baptisia, salvia, money plant, stonecrop sedum.

Campanula with nice color.

First Vermont daylily just a couple days after the first one in NJ. By mid-summer the Vermont flora has caught up with NJ plants, and the late season flowers come out before NJ equivalents to avoid the earlier frost.

Feverfew with a gray spider, can you find it?

Goat's Beard tolerates a lot of shade.

Lucy teaching Chemistry. Whose number is that?

Sunset from Ina's apartment building with the Hudson and then NJ.

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