7-26-17 VERMONT: Less than a week of July left, where does it go and why is January so long? We had two days of rain, but today it’s sunny.
I’m installing a new, glass shower door in our bedroom to replace the leaky shower curtains that sometimes let the water spill down into the living room below the shower stall through the board floors. I spent most of yesterday at the project and have a bit to go today.
The first Monarch butterfly of the season appeared in the pasture a few days ago. I got a shot of him near the milkweed patches. He hasn’t been posing, but continuously flitting around except for a few moments.
There’s been so much rain that some phlox and hollyhocks have mildew/fungus infection. I sprayed once and will need to do it again because they got soaked again by the last rain.
New blooms: ligularia stenocephala [rocket ligularia].
First Monarch of the season is this male hanging out near a stand of milkweed.
Hat trick.
Daytime serenade.
Ligularia stenocephala.
Red Admiral.
Red admiral too.
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