Sunday, July 30, 2017

Good Fair.

7-30-17 VERMONT: Friday night we had dinner at the Lyme Inn with Eric and Joanne and Ann and Roger. We last ate there, maybe, ten years ago and vowed never to go back, but there’s new management, new kitchen and dining rooms and a new chef. It was good, we will go back. Saturday evening we ate at Shari and Dave’s and talked late into the night.

Saturday afternoon we went to the North Haverhill Fair. It’s a bout 30 miles north of us and in NH. We go every year. We saw horse pulls and lumberjack competitions. We watched rides for a few minutes, marveling that people do them, scouted out the games of chance, but risked nothing, Judy shopped, but found nothing to buy. We did eat the usual Fair food, visited the cows and other livestock, and watched pulling and chopping.

New blooms: goose-neck loosestrife, echinacea, first phlox.

So much stuff, but not that special thing...

Settling for a blooming' onion, and later pulled pork.

Lunberjack trials, lumberjills on the first beam doing two-person saws. The three teams all sawed three slices in a few seconds.

Tree felling with axes. That little, red square near the lower left edge of the pic [not the tool box] is a soda can that the tree is supposed to fall on. He missed it by an inch.

That yellow, wheeled device is a crucial piece of equipment in a cow barn.

The ladies are on break.

This team of draft horses are grooming each other. Only the horse on the left is working this single horse competition. His partner on the right, unharnessed, is just along to keep him company.

That horse pulling the sled, note the lady driver. They call this event, The Powder Puff Pull.

Cleated shoes for the pulling competition.

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