Saturday, October 13, 2018

More Rain.

10-13-18 SHORT HILLS: The remnant of Hurricane Michael went through yesterday and gave us 1.5 inches of rain and gusty winds, maybe up to 20 or 25 mph, nothing compared to what the Florida panhandle got. I spent the day after picking up branches, mostly deadfall that had been hanging in the trees, and composting them.

Today it’s back to cool and rainy, our usual pattern of late. Doors and cabinets are swollen and hard to open, the flagstones are muddy and slippery, the ash trees have given up almost all their leaves.

New blooms: Dracaena compacta.

Siobhan sent this one from California. It was on the bathroom floor. Not a worry in NJ or VT.

Rainy rose on the new Rosa rugosa in NJ.

One of the indoor plants has bloomed. I don't know its name, and I don't think it ever bloomed before. I just used a new app, PlantSnap, and it might be Dracaena compacta, dragon plant.

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