Sunday, April 26, 2020

More Rain.

4-26-20 SHORT HILLS: Yesterday was May, warm and mostly sunny. People were out on the street, walking, running, biking and generally masked and social distancing. Some people were carrying water bottles, but no one I saw was using bleach as a beverage.

Note to President Trump—please show how to properly drink Clorox or Drano during one of your pressers. Dr. Birx has certainly turned out to be a suck-up, which makes anything she says suspicious and unreliable.

I was outside yesterday doing more shrub and tree maintenance. Among the things I do is removal of dead canes or stalks from the shrubs to make room for new growth in the center of the plant. Another chore is to protect a prized shrub such as an azalea from being over shadowed by an aggressive neighbor like a burning bush. Now I like burning bushes, they have beautiful growth habit, are mostly trouble free, have brilliant fall color and berries eaten by birds, but the azaleas, roses and others need some help from getting over crowded.

There was another 0.8 inches of rain in the gauge yesterday, and it’s raining and cold again now, so we’re back in March. Lots of spots in the yard are mud soup.

New blooms: blueberry.

Two trees both with white flowers, can you ID them?

Dogwood is behind the...

Apple. On the back right, the magnolia has finished flowering and is making leaves.

Another barberry, this is 'warty barberry', a taller plant with bigger, shinier evergreen leaves, long thorns and yellow flowers, in contrast with the common barberry shrub.

Kwansan cherry tree filling out with pink.

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