Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Slowly Approaching Summer.

4-29-20 SHORT HILLS: We’ve had another 0.5 inches of rain, but yesterday was warm and sunny. The fence workers were here two days ago, and they replaced about a dozen and half rotted posts and about as many rails. As often happens when work is done on the periphery of the yard, the invisible canine fence got damaged [we have both wooden and electric fences to keep the dogs contained]. I found one break in the wire and repaired it, but the broken-wire alarm didn’t stop, so I called the company to find and repair the other problem[s].

One might well ask why any dog would ever consider running away from this extremely dog-friendly situation, but, after all, they’re dogs.

I’m still out there snipping and grooming shrubs and trees, and finding more to do even in the areas that I thought were done. Our first lawn mowing will get done next week, the official start of summer, that and the first G & T.

New blooms: azalea.

Blueberry flowers are another inverted white bell, which must be a successful flower design for some pollinator to crawl in or, perhaps, protect the early developing fruit/seed from rain or wind. Lily-of-the-valley, andromeda, leucothoe have a similar format.

From a different blueberry bush, these have a more globular shape.

Here's a better pic of the warty barberry that shows the impressive thorns.

Wild strawberry opened a few days ago. This plant has widely spread throughout our lawn and makes lots of yellow flowers [white ones in VT] and later little, red fruit with very little taste. A lot of our 'freedom lawn' is what some people consider weeds. My lawn philosophy is anything that doesn't mind being three inches tall is welcome, dandelions included.

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