Sunday, May 17, 2020

May Update.

5-17-20 VERMONT: The last few days have been seasonable and nice, and I’ve done a lot of stuff. With Judy’s help, all the summer benches, hammock, rowboat at out of storage and in their usual spots except that we moved one bench to the side of the new pond. The screens are up and the storms put away, the pasture gate is up, some of the flower-bed barriers are up, more deadfall has been cleared, the fertilizing is done for the spring. I’m sure I forgot to list some other completed chores.

A pair of rose-breasted grosbeaks, the female is mostly brown, have been at the feeders.

I reworked the bottom of the new brook where it enters the old pond to improve the flow. The areas below the new dam and the old pond are quite wet and may need some drainage assistance.

The trees are leafing out and the perennials popping up so fast, you can almost see it happening.   

New blooms: star magnolia, Virginia blue bells, pearlie everlasting.

Lafayette and Moosilauke both have a lot of snow cover as of a few days ago.

Three turtles soaking up the rays. They need the heat to run their matabolism.

Rose-breasted grosbeak and the Mrs. were at the feeder all day yesterday.

The Battle of the Birds-territorial dispute? The one on the left is shown below, a sapsucker or hairy woodpecker, the other is un-ID'd.

Hairy woodpecker or sapsucker? Anyone?

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