Monday, May 11, 2020

The Snow Is Gone.

5-11-20 VERMONT: The Polar Vortex that gave us the snow, wind and cold last week seems to be receding back to the pole. Today was pretty nice until it started to rain.

I did a bunch of small chores including a make-shift bridge over the pasture brook using the part of the barn ramp that was cut off during the repair work last summer. I supported it with a couple pieces of scrap 4X4. I also did some dead fall clean up, got the last of the scrap pile ready for burning, and pulled up some garlic mustard, a nasty invader.

There was a Hermit Thrush, a White-throated Sparrow and a Chipping Sparrow at the feeder a few days ago. Today I saw a Common Yellowthroat perched on a cattail stalk but didn’t have a cam or phone.

New blooms: red trillium, dandelion, coltsfoot, violet, forget-me-not, purple lamium, wild strawberry, vinca, pulmonaria, gill-over-the-ground.

White-throated sparrow with sunflower seed.

Hermit thrush, I always get him from the back, and chipping sparrow with a red yarmulke.

Coltsfoot, above and below, has a scaly stem and a yellow flower that might be mistaken for a dandelion on a quick glance.

The hoof-shaped leaves appear after the flower.

Here's another look at the hepatica flower.

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