Sunday, June 07, 2020

Bally and the Woodchucks.

6-7-20 VERMONT: Today was cold after a front came through last night, delivering a series of showers, but only gave us about a tenth of an inch. It was enough so I didn’t water today, but weeded some flower beds, pulling out violets.

Violets are invasive in the flower beds, I like them, especially in the spring when they bloom, but they need to be controlled. I transplanted them to the new brook between the ponds.

Bally the border collie has been going crazy about woodchucks under the barn and managed to get a cut near his eye, probably from metal flashing in the hole he dug, and needed an ER visit on Saturday. Now he seems to have lost interest, so maybe the woodchucks moved on. I closed up the hole under the barn.

I have been posting bird pix on Twitter for Black Birding Week and have picked up new followers.

New blooms: white flag iris, white clover, double file viburnum, meadow rue, blue-eyed grass, creeping speedwell, hybrid daylily, Solomon seal, bachelor button, Indian paint brush, cranesbill geranium, bunch berry.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, three of them have been flitting around for a week or so.

Centaurea, Bachelor Button, we also have it in blue.

Eastern Phoebe, a fly catcher. Go Phoebe.

First Hybrid Daylily is this spidery-leaved, apricot early bird. The native daylilies start Judy 1.

The azaleas actually have four colors in this mix-orange, salmon, pink and magenta.

Striped bird.

Friendly Probole Moth is about an inch wide. It flew out of the garage when I opened the door.

White Flag Iris, the first this year. That pointy thing is the next flower on this stem. The petals are arrayed in threes.

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