Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Cold Wave.

6-2-20 VERMONT: The heat wave ended with some very cold weather. We have the heat back on in the house, the nights have been in the forties and this morning at sunrise, when the dogs went out, it was 35°. Mist was rising off the pond because the pond was warmer than the air. By afternoon we were in the sixties. There have been daily showers, but little accumulation. We got enough rain so that I didn’t need to water.

On the weekend, I had help from Cedar, who brought me wheelbarrows full of dirt from the pasture to finish the ramps on either side of the bridge. Cedar’s father Scott finished the work on the barn and barn drainage. I bought sod from Home Depot to cover the ramps and prevent erosion, and it all looks pretty good. Today I pruned roses, removing deadfall and invasive branches—a hateful task, very hard to not get stabbed by the thorns. It’s good to do it on a cold day, like today, because one has heavier clothes and gloves on, which helps with the sticking. I also repaired the bench out in the pasture that had a broken slat.

I planted two Dianthus from Home Depot that I got when I bought the sod and planted them both in the east bed below the deck. One is a Sweet William, Dianthus barbatus, Barbarini ‘Red’, and the other is Dianthus x ‘Neon Star’.

There’s trouble in paradise—the dogs have dug holes in flower beds doing some damage and making me work to fill the holes. And one of the lawn mowing crew weed whacked a bed of lupin—so annoying.

New blooms: columbine, yellow lamium, red clover, bane berry, Siebold viburnum, nannyberry viburnum, golden Alexander, flea bane, false Solomon seal, star flower.

Bally after a swim.

Early morning mist on the pond.

The bridge with ramps and sod, and hose to keep the sod wet.

Brady has arrived for his summer vaca. His mom, Janet, says that he's 37, a very old horse.

Gus in the dandelions, at 12, he's pretty old too.

Judy's pumpkin cart with a basket of flowers in front of the azaleas about to open.

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