Friday, July 24, 2020

Rain and a Sunset.

7-24-20 VERMONT: Last evening we had a big rain that followed a couple small showers during the day for a welcome total of 1.75 inches. We need that much every few days.

The blueberries are ripening. I’ve picked a couple of quarts but many of the berries are still green, which is good because they will ripen later to extend the season for a few weeks more. Birds are in the blueberry bushes all the time, but only eat a few. We are getting lots of cherry tomatoes, but the full size ones are just beginning.

Scott has started putting drains in the swampy area below the new dam. We are hoping to make the area dryer next spring. I am re-building the little, side entrance to the small barn intended for geese. We have no geese, but Judy likes how it looks.

Butterflies are everywhere, but not many Monarchs, as yet.

New blooms: rocket ligularia, goldenrod, more phlox.

Aphrodite Fritillary on milkweed, perfect pose.

The blueberries are ripening, and this catbird is stealing one.

Another berry thief, do you know this spotted bird? It's an immature robin.

More phlox with vivid color.

It must be mid-summer if the goldenrod has started to bloom.

Gus walked to the far end of the pasture and back with me and Maizie.

After rain yesterday evening, we had dramatic skies.

Can you see the weathervane on top of the barn cupola?

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