Wednesday, November 11, 2020

All Cleaned Up.

11-11-20 VERMONT: Hideous Trump hangs on—with made up claims of voter fraud. What else would we expect? I would love to see the US Marshalls drag him out of the White House before New York jails him for tax fraud.

I have been busy everyday doing the clean up while the weather is mild and pleasant. I am pretty much done after five days, although I had done some preliminary work the last time we were here. All the dead plant debris has been cleared from the beds and dumped behind the little barn in the pasture in an area that is often wet and soggy. If the beds aren’t cleared the stalks and leaves get compressed into a thick mat by the snow, making it hard for the plants to grow in the spring. 

The clearing process requires that care be taken to not damage the little biennials growing in the beds for next year’s flowers or small perennials still alive. Clearing everything lets us see the stone walls, the garden’s bones, that are mostly hidden by the plants in summer and by snow in winter. There is a stark beauty to the empty beds and leafless trees while the plant world is in its long, winter’s nap. The frogs are still hanging out on the last few tattered lily pads.

Neat and tidy beds, stone walls and pond banks.

Before the clean up.


All the leaves are down.

All cleaned up.

What it looked like in June.

The dogs dressed for hunting season. I told Bally that he looked like a girl.


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