Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ready for the Snow.

11-17-20 VERMONT: I think all the chores are done, but there’s always something that I remember that I forgot just after we’ve left for NJ, which will happen tomorrow. The picnic table is on the terrace and wrapped in a tarp along with the rockers, leaving the deck clear for shoveling. Not shoveling lets too much snow and ice accumulate putting too much weight for the deck to support. 

Two broken fence posts were replaced by Hank, one of our go-to helpers. The two posts were next to each other and both down in the same direction along with all the rails, I’m guessing a bear or a moose. I repaired the fence electric line. I like to keep it in place even if we’re not using it at the moment. It needed a few broken insulators replaced and some wire repairs. 

The last burn pile, left over from the barn re-construction, was burnt, and the next day I used a magnet to recover all the old nails from the ashes. 

Judy and I replaced a bunch of ‘Posted’ sign along the road. Hunting season has started, but it is not like it was in the nineties when we were first here. Then, being outside in November, was like being in a war zone with rifle fire banging away on all sides. Now shooting within ear shot is rare, maybe that’s partly my hearing. 

The sad news is that Brady the horse died shortly after returning to his home pasture after his summer and fall here. This was at least his twentieth summer here as a pasture ornament and grass eater. He was a very obliging companion, who always came over to a visitor for a pat or a treat. When we were first here, there were many horses on the road and riders were almost as common as cars and trucks, but they have moved, retired, stopped riding, or died and Brady was one of the last. One by one, our animal friends are disappearing.

We have had some rain, but are still too dry and are down several inches for the year. The hurricanes have all the rain. After a week of warm weather, we are back in the cold, and we need coats, hats and gloves outside. Today we had snow flurries. The ponds have had ice patches in the morning. I moved the game cams from the pasture to the area near the house.

Snow in the air, more to come.

Brady and friends.

Hard frost doesn't deter the dogs from the pasture.

Gray skies since this sunset.

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