Sunday, May 09, 2021

Mother's Day.

5-9-21 SHORT HILLS: Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, fathers and children. We had Alison, Valerie, Steve, Dan and Anna here for a patio picnic designed by Judy, the master party planner. Everybody ate well, aired a lot of gossip, helped with the clean up and left when the rain started, attempting to beat the inbound traffic. Anna got the only good pic with her iPhone.

Outside I have been keeping busy with the usual chores. One of the transplanted trees is not opening up, and I found a lot of scarring at the base of the trunk, some rodents winter dinner, I guess. I got a new rain gauge at the Farm. It’s huge and recorded 0.6 inches in the last 24 hrs.

New blooms: hawthorn.  

After dinner pic. Anna is the only one who knew how to take a time delay pic.
First rhododendron to open.
Honeysuckle flower, it also comes in red.
Hummingbird, probably Ruby-throated male. It's the first I've seen in this yard ever. I immediately went out and bought a hummingbird feeder, but no takers as yet.
The hawthorn has red flower clusters.

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