Thursday, May 06, 2021

NYC and The Swamp.

5-6-21 SHORT HILLS: We had an outdoor dinner with Leesa and Roger in NYC just a few steps away from Washington Sq. Park. It was great to see them, and great to walk through the park—teeming with people and bands and skate boarders. We also had a brief visit with Lily, who lives in the hood. 

Today we went back to The Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge with Lynn and Bill. We visited the raptor center and then walked the boardwalk through the swamp. There was a pair of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers nesting near the entrance to the boardwalk pointed out to us by the staff at the entrance. Other birds seen on the outing—red-wing blackbird, pigeons, doves, grackles, brown-headed cowbird.

Here I have done more pruning and clean up of a flood of debris from under the sweet gum tree. The just opening gum ball babies, to me they look like broccoli, are all over the terrace and lawn. I swept them off twice, but here come more. 

We had a nice rainy day yesterday, on and off all day.

New blooms: pink lamium, first rhododendron, honeysuckle, deutzia. 

Rose-breasted grosbeak has been here for a few days, probably on his migration. We see them often in VT, but never before here in NJ.
This is probably a house finch, but also looks like a Pine Siskin. Anyone??
Bald Eagle at the Raptor Center. All their birds are injured and cannot be released into the wild.
Red-wing blackbird in the swamp, where they're at home.
The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in its nest. A new lifer for me.
First rhododendron.
Washington Square Park.

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