Thursday, October 28, 2021

Berries and Fruit.

10-28-21 SHORT HILLS: The sun is back and it’s a little cooler. We ended up with five inches of rain from the last storm, and another one is in the Mid-West. Enough weather news. 

I try to do an end of the season post of the fruits and berries on the trees and shrubs here and in VT. This year there seem to be a lot of pix, so I’ll do all the red ones first. To make it a quiz, I’ll number the pix and list the names at the end. 

1. Well known tree.
2. A tree-sized shrub.
3. The leaves might be a clue.
4. the leaves might be a clue.
5. The leaves will turn orange soon.
6. Often sold for seasonal decorations.
7. Notice the stickers.
8. An evergreen with needle/leaves.
9. Another evergreen, but with broad leaves.
10. A small tree, widely planted ornamental.
11. Same family as 10.

Answers: 1-Apple, 2-Siebold viburnum, 3-Holly, 4-Burning bush, 5-Chokecherry, 6-Winterberry holly, 7-Barberry, 8-Yew, 9-Southern Magnolia, 10-Dogwood, 11-Kousa dogwood. 

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