Sunday, October 31, 2021

More Fruits and Berries.

10-31-21 SHORT HILLS: Happy Halloween. The treats are already out on the porch. Because we’re a bit farther from the road than most houses and down a hill, we get few customers. It finally cleared up, we got another 0.75 inches of rain before the sun returned.

We had dinner at Lynn and Bill’s Friday, went down the shore to Seaside Park to visit Chris and Bob on Saturday. They threw a seafood lunch that I will remember for a long time. It was nice to see the sand, surf, gulls, ocean after a long spell. Today we dog walk with Bebe and Ronnie and Sonny. 

I have lots more berries and fruit to show. It has occurred to me that the point of the colors of the ripe fruit is to attract birds and other pollinators. The fruit is eaten and then pooped out with a drop of fertilizer some place else. The run through the GI tract is sometimes necessary to activate the seeds. Most fruits are green before they’re ripe so that they blend in with the leaves of the tree or shrub and don’t get eaten too soon.  

1. Introduced shrub from Asia.
2. Pods are the hallmark of legumes.
3. A showy late bloomer.
4. Also comes in larger size for people.
5. Dramatic color.
6. Not dramatic color.
7. Should be an easy ID.
8. Also available in red, A as in....
9. A shrub with yellow flowers.
10. Not much to attract the eye here.
11. Almost apple sized.

1. Asian Holly. 2. Catalpa tree. 3. Crape Myrtle. 4. Pear. 5. Beauty Berry. 6. Andromeda. 7. Juniper. 8. Apple. 9. St. Johns Wort. 10. Spirea. 11. Quince.

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