Sunday, February 20, 2022

Back in Winter.

2-20-22 SHORT HILLS: We have had couple storms with lots of wind that blew branches out of the trees. The first one dumped rain on us, and the second gave us a snow squall but without any accumulation. In between there was at least one warm day when we took the dogs to Loantaka Park.

The big pond at Loantaka had a bunch of mallards and a larger flock of Canada geese. The mallards were all feeding on something at the bottom of the pond. The Canada geese circled overhead in a messy formation before landing. They all honk away while flying but are quiet on the water.

The feeders here have been busy. Today was warm enough for me to sit outside with the camera for a while and get some pix. Carolina wrens are here for the first time this year.

I read somewhere that White-throated Sparrows are in decline as a species, but not here. We have had about a dozen here all winter, many more than usual.

Mallards at Loantaka, usually one or two keep an eye out while all the others feed on something at the bottom.
Mallard pair and Canada geese discussing the weather.
A pair of Carolina wrens work the suet feeder. I haven't seen them here before now this winter.
La Cardinal goes for sunflower seeds. We have at least two pairs this winter.
Carolina wren and red-bellied woodpecker share the suet.
Now a male downy woodpecker eats at the suet feeder.
One of the white-throated sparrows holds still long enough for a pic.
Maizie loves lying in the pachysandra.

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