Friday, February 25, 2022

Ice Storm.

2-25-22 SHORT HILLS: A couple days ago we had a warm, windy day. It was in the mid-sixties, so we went out to the Great Swamp Wildlife Refuge. Founded in 1960, it was the first one in the USA, now there are over 500. 

We stopped at a spot where the river flows under the road, and I took pix of some Canada geese and mallards and something else beyond them, about 1000 feet away. I thought it was a stump in the water, but there was movement of some white parts. After I downloaded the pix, I saw that it was a bald eagle standing on the ice and picking at something frozen. 

That was the warm day, today it’s below freezing, and we are in the middle of an ice storm. It’s supposed to be warmer this afternoon, which might melt some ice. The southern magnolias are already bent over by the ice and probably damaged. The hollies, yews and junipers are also weighted down by ice. This is probably the most damaging storm of the winter. 

Canada geese on ice in the river all facing into the wind.
Bald eagle near the geese.
Another Canada goose. This one on the Passaic River.
A shot of a cardinal amid tree branches from our yard.
Ice on junipers. The deciduous trees are able to tolerate the weight of the ice.
More ice.
The southern magnolia on the right is badly bent over.

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