Saturday, May 28, 2022

Baltimore in Vermont.

5-28-22 VERMONT: The big, exciting news here is a visit from a Baltimore oriole. He spent several hours in the apple tree by the deck, and the next day, yesterday, he was in one of the apple trees by the fence. He is a striking bird. There was a cedar waxwing in the apple tree also. I remember a few years ago, maybe ten years, we had Baltimore orioles at the same time of year, in the apple trees. 

Otherwise, I have been doing outdoor chores slowly. Slowly is my only speed these days, except for stopped, which happens often between spells of slowly. I did get the two Itoh peonies planted with last year’s Itoh next to the hybrid daylily bed. It was a tough spot near a birch tree and a stone wall, which means there were lots of roots and rocks to slow the digging. I always say you can’t dig a hole without a saw. I did some pruning in front of the house, hauled away the pile, cut and brought some lilacs in.  

It’s been dry, and the ponds have started to drop. We’re supposed to get rain today. 

Last summer we set out bat houses on the barn and an owl nesting box up in a white pine. I don’t see any tenants in residence. I have seen only one turtle in the big pond. There’s a woodchuck living under one of the barns. Judy saw fox kits on the road. 

We went to Smith’s auction preview last Monday in Plainfield and saw a beautiful tall case clock that we left a low-ball bid on.

We had dinner at Tuckerbox in White River a few days ago, and dinner with Shari and Dave at Midva in Windsor the next night. 

John, Diana and Steve came to dinner last night. Judy did her usual, extraordinary job, I did the clean up, and in between prep and clean up, we all had a great time.

New blooms: Siebold viburnum, double file viburnum, creeping veronica, striped maple, columbine. 

Baltimore oriole eating something in the apple tree.
Great color.
The wing bars are the only white color.
And one more.
Cedar waxwing eating the white petals of apple blossoms.
The first hybrid daylily.
The azaleas is front of the house put on a show. There are four different colors in the mix.
Creeping veronica and forget-me-not. The smaller the flower, the longer the name.

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