Monday, May 23, 2022

May in VT.

5-3-22 VERMONT: We came up Saturday. It was in the nineties and again on Sunday incredibly hot. Sunday evening we had several warnings and watches for intense T-storms, but all we got was a brief sprinkle. Today it was in the fifties with a cold wind gusting from the west—shorts and tees were replaced by sweaters and jeans.

Addie, the garden assistant, was here this morning. We did a walk around and discussed her role for this summer. She will do one half day a week, and we’ll see how that works out. She already planted the four Itoh peonies and a primrose that we had brought up in April. The peonies went on the pond bank by the apple tree and the primrose went by the brook. 

The ponds are extremely clear so far this season. I have seen one turtle, fish, crawfish, newts and lots of tadpoles in the new pond. I did the first pond treatment, but didn’t use the dye that blocks sun from reaching the bottom. Eric was here to repair a defect in the new dam.

All the perennial beds are busy with plants roused from their winter naps, there are a few late sleepers that may turn out to be MIA.  

We went to Edgewater Farm on our errands and got four Sun Gold tomatoes, basil, parsley and rosemary. I potted them all to live on the deck. I also did some pruning of the honeysuckle by the steps, pulled up some garlic-mustard weeds, turned on the outside water and put out hoses, got the pasture gate out. Sunday Judy and I did the screen  doors in the morning before it got too hot. 

In bloom: lilac, Mohican viburnum, tea viburnum, honeysuckle, azalea, blueberry, apple, quince, burning bush, Virginia bluebells, ajuga, violet, trillium, forget-me-not, lamium, epimedium, bleeding heart, alkanet, geranium, Solomon seal [two kinds], wild strawberry, cowslip, lily-of-the-valley, spurge, tiarella, pulmonaria, celandine, jack-in-the-pulpit, sweet woodruff, golden Alexander, vinca, wild ginger, bane berry, star flower. 

Pretty sunrise, it was prettier but lost some color while I went for the camera. I have taken only a couple pix so far, more later.
Purple finch, female, discovering the filled feeder. We bring the feeder in at night because of the bears.
Bane berry, it gets striking berries, all white with red stems and black dots on the end, they're thought to be poisonous.

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