Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hibiscus in Vermont.

8-22-18 VERMONT: There was some rain overnight, which we needed, and by afternoon the sun was out. I did chores in the basement during the rain and a little pruning after the skies cleared. Yesterday I weeded several beds and weed-whacked the terrace and sprayed Roundup on crabgrass that was growing between the terrace pavers in a few spots.

Monday the planting frenzy continued, and I added three Shasta daisies, Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Becky’, to the same part of the bed below the deck where I had pulled the moldy phlox, and a chocolate snakeroot, Eupatorium rugosum ‘Chocolate’, to the bed below the new wall.

New blooms: hardy hibiscus.

Hybiscus flower is the size of a dinner plate.

The white phlox, pulled out of the bed below the deck, and transplanted to the bond bank have less mildew in the new location and add some color to the late summer display.

White star clematis swarms over the deck railing.

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