Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cold Clean Up.

11-16-19 VERMONT: It has been hard to get work done because of the cold. Yesterday was actually OK for the first time in three days, and I did the beds in back of the houses. Because of the frozen snow cover, many of the dead shoots that I would have cut down were buried and other were stuck in the snow. I cut down whatever I could see and raked it all out of the beds. It’s not the job I wanted to do, but I guess it will have to suffice, we will see in the spring.

Today was cold again, but I got out in the afternoon and did the beds around the pond, then I put out the shovels and choppers for clearing the the deck, and the reflectors to guide the driveway plowing. I needed several warm-up breaks, but I’m done with fall clean up. This week has felt more like January than November. NJ tomorrow.

Does it look cold? It is.

New game cam location. This buck is browsing at almost 11 PM.

Looking red with thousands of apples. Birds will get most of them.

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