Thursday, November 07, 2019

Naples Town Pier.

11-7-19 SHORT HILLS: We’re back in NJ. The flight home was trouble free and actually got in early. The morning before we left Naples, we went to the Botanical Garden, but it was closed for a fund raiser, bummer.

Instead we went to the town pier, which is huge, extending at least 100 yards into the Gulf of Mexico. There were dozen of fishermen catching mackerel, I think.The birds were everywhere, on the pier, on the beach and in the air—terns, sandpipers, pelicans, cormorants, gulls, crows, turnstones. Under the pier, there were millions, literally millions, of 2-3 inch fish schooling around all the pilings. The fish were the draw for the birds. Three of four dolphins also went through the area while we were there.

We had lunch back at the apartment before catching a taxi for the airport.

Brown pelican.

Gaggle of shore birds.

Sandwich tern, many were in the air and diving for fish.

Ruddy turnstones patrolling the pier.

Millions of shiners swimming around under the pier.

Double crested cormorant.

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