Sunday, April 04, 2021

More Yellow.

4-4-21 SHORT HILLS: It started out cool this morning, but warmed up when the sun came out. We did a short dog walk with Bebe and Ron and Sunny. We shortened it so to not stress Kaley after her radiation treatment, and she did fine. 

In the afternoon I did some trimming and pruning off winter kill, now that new growth has started. I did the clematis by the kitchen door and the hydrangeas and roses. I cleared a little dead fall and some broken branches on the junipers. 

Tomorrow the sprinklers get serviced, and I will start spring fertilizing of trees, shrubs and perennials.

New blooms: marsh marigold, peace lily [in the sun room].

Marsh marigold will soon explode with more yellow for a few weeks and then vanish until next year.
A big lily flower appeared almost as soon as the sun got high enough in the sky to shine in through the sky lights in the sun room.

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