Monday, April 19, 2021

Back into Spring.

4-19-21 SHORT HILLS: The Subaru Time Machine transported us into the future here in NJ. It’s warm and green and snow free. Some trees are in leaf and most shrubs are green.

Before we left VT, in the past, most of the snow was gone. I set up the irrigator bags around the new red maples and Steve and Diana promised to water them if things dry out.

With the shrubs in leaf, I began pruning dead wood and overgrown bushes. Generally I’m happy letting them grow as they want, but sometimes a vigorous shrub will overwhelm a more desirable one, for instance, a rhododendron was getting lost among viburnums and burning bushes and I expanded its space today. We have a large yard with dozens of trees and hundreds of shrubs, so I will be busy for a few weeks before we can go back to VT.

New blooms: quince, apple, pear, trout lily, more daffodils, bleeding heart, barberry, dogwood.  

Saucer Magnolia means April here. We see several on every block as drive around on errands.
The secrets in the heart of the magnolia flower.
Pear tree cluster.
Quince. We have a new one, in red, but not open yet.
Clatonia are all over now, but will disappear soon.
The later daffodils are more interesting, to me.
Pink daffodil.
Sunset tonight.

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