Saturday, March 19, 2022

Another May Day.

3-19-22 SHORT HILLS: Another day in the seventies. The grass is green and everything is acting like it’s mid-April instead of the end of winter. The Vernal Equinox will occur on Sunday, March 20 at 11:33 EDT. Then the sun crosses the Equator spending only a nanosecond there before zooming into the Northern Hemisphere for the next six months.

Anyway, the herbaceous creatures in the yard are responding to the warm weather and are way ahead of where they should be. Some of our worst blizzards have occurred in late March and early April. The  plant life would take a storm in stride if it was dormant as it should be now, but will sustain damage if there’s a hard freeze. We are two weeks ahead of last year’s progress.

That oak tree I planted is Quercus rubra. I finished pulling of burlap, rope and some of the metal basket this morning and topped off the root ball with potting soil and mulch. I did a bunch of other chores also.

New blooms: crocus, forsythia.

First crocus hiding in the pachysandra.
Forsythia is open before it's spring.

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