The blueberry bushes all look tired this spring, and I cut off a lot of dead wood while pruning yesterday. I fertilized them and put barriers around the bases of the trunks to prevent weed whacker injury which might be the problem.
The hemlock in the pasture also looks stressed but has some new growth, so I did a tree feeding. I made holes around the periphery of the drip line and in another circle closer to the trunk by driving a stake in the ground about a foot and filling the hole with HollyTone. I made about 25 holes and used half a 25 pound bag.
I moved fire wood into the shelter, did a bit more pruning and watered the new plantings.
New blooms: columbine, red clover, white clover and blue-eyed grass. The last one is a pasture flower, a small iris about two inches tall with a little round blue flower. Love the name.
New bird: brown-headed cow birds. They were too shy for picture taking.
The lilac transplant from NJ all grown up.
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