Saturday, April 21, 2012

Azaleas Are Early

4-21-12 SHORT HILLS: I got back from VT yesterday to find myself mysteriously enjoying mid-June. The azaleas belong to May but are almost completely open now. The trees are leafing out, even the ashes, usually the last tree to open.

 Wilpat was here today to do some repairs on the sprinkler system, but some more work will be needed. I did a bit of pruning. The lawn almost looks respectable. 

New blooms: azalea, burning bush, gill-over-the-ground, grass, leucothoe, deutzia, viburnums, [red bud, apple, lamium—might have been mentioned before], blue berry, sweet woodruff, ajuga.
Azalea. Neon bright colors, a Hallmark of spring, usually in mid May...
Singly or Paired or....
Best in massed display.

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