The weather here remains very spring-like. Today was in the seventies. The snow is melting, but the big piles don’t look much different. Every hollow in the pasture is full of water.
I cleared the last of the ice off the deck and put up the pasture gate. Later I got the chainsaw out, got it started after a struggle and cleared dead fall from the pasture fence. Yesterday was rainy, but we had a nice dinner at Jane and Ken’s. Earlier we visited Bruce and Donna who wanted to see the Morocco pix.
New blooms: a few more snowdrops.
I was trying out the zoom on the new camera and saw a bird, the one on the ridge, about 150 yards away near the other end of the pasture. I took these pictures with full zoom and the bird turned out to be a robin. Do you see something red on the left side of the image?
It's another bird, partly hidden by the ridge, with a brown back, red nape, gray face and big, black beak.
It's a flicker, probably female, and quite an unexpected find.
Melt down continues.
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