Saturday, August 30, 2014

Maggie finds Monarchs.

8-30-14 VERMONT: Steve, Val, Maggie and Lucy arrived a couple days ago for a mini va-ca on their way to take Maggie back to college. Yesterday we walked around the pasture while Maggie took pictures of the first Monarch we saw this season. Then we saw another on our hike.

Taking advantage of the beautiful day, we hiked the woods behind our house, exploring the old roads. We found a sunny clearing with lots of blackberries that kept us busy for a while. On the way back we looked in on the old beaver pond, which is totally gone and turned into a meadow. We followed the brook from the non-pond and eventually got home after our neighbors sheep chased us out of their pasture. We dinnered at Elixir in WRJ. Today is probably Gile Mt., an easy hike.

It’s just amazing how bonded Val and Maizie are.

New blooms: turtle head, Ligularia dentata ‘Britt Marie Crawford’. [I mentioned ligularia in bloom a month ago—that was L. stenocephala ‘The Rocket’.]

Turkey chicks from the 7/11/14 post almost grown up.

Blissful photog neck-deep in mint.

She found a Monarch butterfly, the first of the season that we've seen here. Later in the day we saw another a a different spot. photo by Maggie R.

Maizie and Val in a love fest. Val just can't get enough of the dogs.

Hike in the woods, trying to stay on the trail.

Blue Heron decided the pond was too noisy this morning.

Preview of Coming Attractions.

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