Wednesday, December 14, 2016

At Last, another December Post.

12-14-16 SHORT HILLS: Wow, nine days without a post, that’s probably a record. Obviously, not much has been happening. We had a Saturday night dinner with Bette, Lonnie, Ellen and Bruce at a quietish place so we could hear each other talk. If we need quieter next time, maybe a mausoleum would work.

Judy and I have been binging on TV. We did almost four season of Rectify in about a week, the new season of Mozart in the Jungle in a couple of days and a season of The Man in the High Castle in a couple more. All those shows are worth seeing if anyone hasn’t tried them.

The weather is getting colder, as it should be, there has been a bit of ice on the roads. We had a quarter inch of snow before it turned to rain and melted. We have managed to walk the dogs most days and got a couple duck pix at one of the ponds in town.

One brag—I have finished 18 straight NYT xword puzzles.

Mallards cruising an open spot on the south pond.

More mallards.

The other pond is frozen, for the moment.

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