Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Fireworks for the Fourth.

7-5-17 VERMONT: The guests left the morning of the Fourth to be back in NYC for work today. I hope they got to see the fireworks on the East River, which we caught a little of on TV after the local fireworks at Lake Morey. Both were good shows.

We packed the folding chairs, bug spray and the camera and set up on the golf course at the lake. There were many explosions. We got out pretty fast afterwards.

The weather remains perfect. Today I was back working on the culvert, which had re-filled with a lot of sand and gravel after the big rain.

New blooms: daylily, another hosta.

Here are several pix of fireworks at Lake Morey, including this orange burst.

another dramatic orange burst...

and reds...


another red...

and another red...

near the finale....


and one more.

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