Friday, June 01, 2018

A Little Rain.

6-1-18 VERMONT: Today is overcast, muggy, hot, and it rained, only 0.1 inches but it all helps.

We had dinner with Shari and Dave last night and ran into Roger and Ann at the Lyme Inn where Ariana’s has moved.

The corn is about two inches high, and I think each hill has a seedling. Did I mention that Brady the horse is back in the pasture? He is still pretty spry for his advanced age, which we identify with.

New blooms: blue-eyed grass, more geraniums, columbine, fleabane, celandine.

Azaleas all bloom at about the same time.

Adult Indigo Bunting owns blue.

Maturing Bunting just developing his color.

And some gold as in Goldfinch.

Pearl Crescent in the veggie garden.

Columbine just starting.

Maizie and Kaley harassing the frogs.

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