Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bear Feeders.

6-23-24 VERMONT: I had the bird feeders out—big mistake. We had a visit from a big, hungry bear this morning, who drained the last few seeds from the feeder. Now the feeders are down and put away in the garage. Neighbor Diana suggested cutting back the foliage around the site where the feeders were, which we did with her help. I did get some pix and a video of the visitor.

Yesterday we went to Bradford for the Fair and to see our neighbor Tina compete in the barrel racing event. Her horses are the ones living in our pasture. With all the rain, the field was a swamp, and when it started to rain again, we left. We did get a video of Tina’s horses competing. Peachez the horse lost shoes in the mud.

Several native daylily opened this morning. Usually they don’t open until July, but everything is early this year.

New blooms: summer sweet, daylily.


Rose-breasted grosbeak at the feeder.
Black bear at the feeder.
Bear movie.
Horse movie.
Oxen at the Fair.
Church in Bradford in the rain.

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