Saturday, June 08, 2024

The Favorite Month.

6-8-24 SHORT HILLS: Well we finally got some rain, 0.81 inches earlier this week and everything looks hydrated. 

The small magnolia is covered with flowers, but the big one hasn’t started yet. The catalpa has only a few clusters of flowers with fewer blooms in each one. The bed under the living room window is finely starting to look good. I pulled a lot of evergreen out of it several years ago and planted deciduous shrubs that wouldn’t grow over the window. It took a while and had a lot of failures, but now it looks nice, except for the weeds.

Yesterday I had lunch with Bill and, we had dinner with Bruce and Ellen.  Tonight we will have dinner with Alan.

New blooms: Asian holly. 

Catalpa blooms, pretty, but only a few flowers instead of two dozen.
The living room window bed. How many weeds can you find?
This is how the side yard looks without the big ash trees that died.
Here is how it looked a few years ago with very big and very old ash trees.
Magnolia flower, tomorrow it will be brown, very short flower life.
Bird nest in the catalpa. I'm guessing robin's nest.
Juniper is having a boom year [called a mast year] for berries, pea-sized blue-gray berries all over the trees.
Ashley made us a Maizie pillow. Thank you, Ashley.

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