Monday, June 17, 2024

Peonies and Roses.

6-17-24 VERMONT: We’ve been here for a few days. Over all things look great, but it’s a little dry and the upper pond is down several inches. We brought tomatoes and herbs up from The Farm in NJ, which I transplanted to bigger pots with vine supports and set out on the deck. Rosemary and basil are in Judy’s big cart along with some flowers. 

I see many chores to be done while hobbling around with my cane. We have to launch the boat, refill the hummer feeders, repair the bulkhead door, set out the hoses, replace some perennials that didn’t survive the winter, treat the ponds and more stuff that I will discover as I walk around. 

New blooms: weigela, Diablo, Wentworth viburnum, peony, roses, bearded iris, Itoh peonies, poppies, anemone, master wort, baptisia, spider wort, white spirea. Back in Short Hills the second St. John wort appeared the day we left. 

Peonies in pink and white.
More peonies, these are the Itoh peonies in yellow, named for the person who developed this hybrid of tree peony and common peony.
Roses that grow on the fence, that I refer to as 'fence roses' in their June glory. [photo by JWF]
Roses that I planted last summer, five of six did well. I got a replacement for the one that failed. We have yellow, white, red, purple and one that changes color.
Master wort. Alison tells me that this is very popular in the Cotswolds.
The cart with herbs and flowers. [photo by JWF]
The lower pond, looking toward the upper pond.
From the deck, a few of the beds.
White admiral likes Judy's shoe.
Red primrose, white anemone, and blue forget-me-not.

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