Thursday, July 23, 2009

Living on the Edge.

7-23-09 VERMONT: Sorry, dears reader, busy with guests and grand kids. Well, we had more rain, another 1.05 inches, and it's still cold.

This week the boys had no camp, other than us, fortunately, Val and Steve were here to pick up Maggie and Lucy and stayed for a few. We went to the Ruggles Mine, climbed Gile, hiked in the woods, played whiffle ball, went to the Haverhill [NH] Fair, and those under fifteen, spent time in the pond. Tomorrow they go back to California, and we go to sleep.

New blooms: hollyhocks, Asian lilies, Shasta daisies, monkshood, liatris.

Kids doing hard time.

Pond life forms.

Because it's there.


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