Friday, July 17, 2009

No Mercy for Wayward Grass.

7-17-09 VERMONT: Yesterday I went to Brown’s Nursery for the sale and bought a bunch of foxglove. The lower end of the rock garden has been invaded and conquered by grass. Why does grass like the garden better than the lawn with all its grassy friends? I tore everything out of that section down to the bare dirt. Like an Iranian repressive regime, I left no dissenters. I added back soil from the stashes, remade the terracing and planted the eight foxgloves and a couple of contrasts. [white bellflower, Campanula carpatica; gayfeather, Liatris spicata ‘Kobold’; and the foxgloves: Digitalis ambigua, D. ferruginea, D. purpurea ‘Foxy’ ] It looks pretty good.

New blooms: yellow day lily.


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