Friday, July 03, 2009


7-3-09 VERMONT: We have had a string of similar days, each with rain, rain and more rain punctuated by drizzle, each day dank, damp, dark, drear, dull and wet. Everything has been soggy and squishy. Everyday I empty the rainwater out of the boat and the rain gauge. There was another 0.9 inches for a total of 3.7 inches since 6-14. The forecast for tonight: T-storms.

It has been sunny today since about nine AM and I’ve been outside weeding, pruning, etc. I got the honeysuckle next to the driveway entrance cut back, it had snuck out about five feet while I wasn’t watching. The viburnum next to it has been eaten by the Viburnum Leaf Beetle, but now seems to be recovering.

New blooms: diablo, rhododendron, thyme, astilbe, delphinium, day lily.

The peonies are finishing up.

The daylilies are starting-it must be July.

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