Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Snow, Solar, Crocus.

3-27-24 SHORT HILLS: Our trip home last Friday was uneventful. It did storm here on Saturday and Sunday. We got a ton of rain, but Thetford and the Connecticut Valley got almost two feet of snow. Our cautious decision was the right one.

The solar panels were installed while we were there. Same Sun of VT put them up and connected them to Green Mountain Power, and we are running on sun power and send excess to the grid.

NJ is way ahead of VT in spring openings. The grass is green, all the early plants are flowering. The gardeners were here to do the clean up, but a new crop of sweet gum balls has fallen.

We hung the pocket watch trade sign in the pantry entry. It looks great. 

The birds have been very active and emptied the feeders over night.

New blooms: forsythia, Andromeda, daffodil, pachysandra, vinca, pussy willow, marsh marigold, cherry, quince.  

The time is corrrect twice a day.
From neighbors Steve and Diana during the storm.
New solar panels on the roof. The goldens seem pleased.
No snow here, as yet, but we have crocus.
Red Maple is why I'm sneezing all day.

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