Monday, June 26, 2006

Birds and Lions

6-22-06 IDAHO INLET & ICY STRAIT & INIAN ISLANDS: In the morning, we kayaked in still air and still water around a round island, Shaw Island, outside and then inside kelp beds and saw a sea otter. Next was a walk through the rain forest uphill to a bog. There was a bear trail and a great view from the top. We saw no bears today, but fairly fresh bear scat and fresh tracks. Lots of the flowers some of which we saw before and some new ones.

In the afternoon we zodiaced around the Inian Islands in the Pacific swells. Low islands were covered with Stellar sea lions all with something to say. It was a loud basso chorus. The sea lions share these small rocky knobs with seabirds, and we saw gulls, coromorants, oyster catchers and guillemots. As usual there were many eagles both mature and immature. These islands are on the edge of glacier bay. We caught a glimse of the Brady Glacier to the north. While almost all the glaciers are retreating, this one is advancing. More humpback whales in the evening with a sunset through the clouds.

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