Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rainy Day.

5-19-10 VERMONT: Rain today, at least a half inch, and then warm weather predicted for the next few days—time to do the veggies. Yesterday I pruned roses and blueberries, worked on the patio and weeded, always weeding. Today I did indoor chores, but spread some fertilizer between rain showers, re-hung a bird feeder that a squirrel had reached and walked the dogs around the pasture. We flushed a woodcock.

Yesterday evening I heard Annette Gordon-Reed lecture on the Hemmings family at an alumni function, and also heard Anna’s voice recital, and about a dozen other voice students do theirs. Guess who I thought was the best? Judy, Dan and Lily arrive tomorrow.

A few other plants in bloom that I forgot to mention before: clatonia, bane berry, wild cherry.

New blooms: flea bane.

Bunch Berry. These familiar looking leaves and flower might make you think of a dogwood tree because this is a cousin, standing two inches high

Blue-Eyed Grass. This cutie is an iris in miniature, recognize the stalks?

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